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Welcome to the New Albany Primary PTO! The New Albany Primary School PTO is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization that partners with administrators, faculty and staff to help ensure our school continues to be a great place for our children to grow and learn. 

Our mission is to supplement and enrich the educational experience of all students by providing a forum for interaction and understanding between parents, teachers, students and their families. Our goal is to provide a framework for coordinating fundraising and volunteer efforts for the purpose of purchasing instructional items and funding events, activities and school enhancements that would not otherwise be provided within the school budget. 

PTO Happening Now...

Spring events with the Primary PTO!

SpringSavetheDateflyerNAPSPTOcolor21 (PDF)

Save these fun dates we have planned for the Spring!

Membership Levels (NEW ITEMS THIS YEAR!)

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NA Primary PTO

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Primary Instagram

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Our Address
New Albany Primary School
Attention: NAPS PTO
87 N. High St. 
New Albany, OH 43054

Contact the PTO Board at Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Volunteer & Support

2024-25 Executive Board


Coleen Barber


Lauren Bar-Lev


Lindsey Osborn


Emily Swanson


Carrie Mayer

VP - Communications

Kiki Piletz
Laurie Lauderback

VP - Membership

Samantha Rafael

VP - Fundraising

Andrea Wiltrout

VP - Programming

Rachel Maloney

Amy Wenker

Head Room Parent

Stephanie Wissman

Dads of NA

Jon Kelley

VP - Hospitality

Jonelle Abounaoum

Erin Foster