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Welcome to New Albany Primary School

Aerial view of the primary school

Welcome to New Albany Primary School
carnival painting

Grow, play & learn together 

Welcome to New Albany Primary School

Soccer during recess at the primary school

Welcome to New Albany Primary School

Primary swings during recess

Welcome to New Albany Primary School

Easton E3 Primary school visit

Welcome to New Albany Primary School
Primary art


  Grow, play & learn together   

Welcome to New Albany Primary School
Carnival birds

Primary traditions - First grade Carnival of the Animals 

Welcome to New Albany Primary School

Lunchtime at the Primary School 

Welcome to New Albany Primary School

Library time at New Albany Primary 

Welcome to New Albany Primary School
Zebras at the Carnival of the Animals 

Zebras at the Carnival of the Animals 

Welcome to New Albany Primary School
Primary library

Library visit at New Albany Primary 

Welcome to New Albany Primary School
E3 kids and strawberries

More learning at the Easton E3 Land Lab 

Picture of New Albany Primary School Front Entrance

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To Create a Culture of Accountability That Achieves the Best Academic and Developmental Outcomes for Each Student.

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NAPLS is Committed to Fostering an Environment of Kindness, Dignity & Respect.

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